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Is it just me? Or did Lonnie get a new job as "The Hitman"?? >Big Grin >Big Grin >Big Grin

(Sorry Lonnie, I could not resist!)
well, it's not a new job... it's a hell of a job.  since I've been a global mod, everytime I've been contemplating editing or shutting down a topic, lonnie's had the guts to do it.  I sure don't envy any mods out there that have to look at some of the stuff that's thrown around here and then be the "hitman" to clean it up.
I know from my own experience that it's easy for words on the net to come across not even close to what you mean, so I like to think that's what's happening most of the time.
I think lonnie's been a heck of a good hitman myself.. .I'd hire him.
(I know you meant your hitman post in jest too)
I second that.  It sure looks like Lonnie...

Shutting down our 1st Amendment Rights in a clean and respectful way is definitely a daunting task and not one I am likely to volunteer for anytime soon.

That only leaves one question...Lonnie are thos guns DIR?
Carefull what you say, the Jackles are out there waiting.
Oh we go again...... :Smile
If this keeps up, we should just open a new category called "Nemo's Daily thoughts" so he doesnt have to hijack other posts...

Regarding our guys do a great job!!!!

Feel free to moderate if you see fit....i am just sick of the childs play
Jackels wait, I don't see anything wrong with an animal waiting around for something.  Does anyone else?  Please, if someone thinks jackels are offensive, then feel free to censor animal discussion as well.
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