Full Version: P-51 Mustang in Forest Lake?
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Has anyone heard rumors of a p-51 Mustang that ditched in Forest Lake years ago? I heard this rumor and wondered if it was just a rumor.
Ice is the best searching. You go get an ice card and we'll go looking.

I'll guess Shooter and AandA could be convinced to dive a second hole.
The rumor I heard that it ditched in the East end of the lake near the SE corner. Two different sources say that it happened but neither said anything about a salvage. You know rumors though... If you don't hear one by 10:00 start one.
It happen in the early 50s. The pilot was recovered and the 50 cal. guns were salvaged. try mpls star and tribune arcvies.
John your just bound and determine that you will wear out that metal detector. hows my buckets coming and where can I pick them up?
Hey Grumpie, Thanks for the info about the plane. I am a persistant little bugger. I dont do much of anything unless its done with gusto. This diving thing is no exception. There is so much to see around here that I just wonder why more people aren't diving. The land lubbers are really missing out. Grumpie, You are an extremely valuable asset to this diving community and the two buckets of concrete for you are the very least I could do to repay you for just backing me up on this p-51 Mustang rumor. Some day I would like to pick your brain about this and other diving possibilities. I have the two buckets of concrete and I will get these to you before the ice comes off the lakes. Thanks again, John
Has anyone else read or heard about this plane in Forest lake?

This looks like the story. It's under 20 feet of muck.
Yeah, I just found the article too. Its sounds like it is true. Probably not much left of it if it left a 20' crater under 20' of water. I will be there after the ice is out looking anyway. The impact must have pieces scattered around. Interesting...
A air slurp and a floating screen, you could pick up a lot of stuff. you would have to be very systemic about how you searched the area. start with gps and go to a grid pattern.
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