Full Version: UUUGGGGHHH!!
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Not that having a fire is ever a good thing, but I found out those rotten @#!$$ at the insurance company are not going to cover my Harley. I was going to sell it in the spring too. "I'll take things that suck for a thousand Alex." Anyone want to buy a smoke black (especialy now) Harley-Davidson with blistered chrome?
Sorry to hear about your Harley. No bike deserves to die like that.
Your homeowners insurance won't cover vehicles but your
comprehensive from your bike insurance should assuming
you keep it on year round.
Take 2 tanks of air and call your travel agent in the morning. :Smile
Man oh man, don't get me started about insurance companies this week. >Sad I'm in the middle of doing battle too. I feel your pain.
Good advise Punky. I think a trip south is the only cure. Ginny Springs here I come, or at least by March. Good luck Jason. Isn't it amazing they take your money for years, but when you need it they beat you over the head as much as possible? >Sad
Punky wrote: Take 2 tanks of air and call your travel agent in the morning.

A wonderful prescription for what ails us all !!!!
Tanx...Jean Smile
Major Bummer. I would hate to think about a fire running through my house of hobbies. :o
Sorry about your bad luck but maybe you could get a free membership out of it all from this "scuba" group:

Holy Cow, or insert R to X rated commentary! What kind of maniac would willingly do that? I'd like to think that I am as adventerous as the next person, but anytime my BC needs a parachute backup count me out. I wonder if there is a DIR way to do this?
I hear firediving is easier if you use a dive flag.
Can you put your tongue-in-cheek with a reg in your mouth?
Come on, Tom....
But Dan, it's on the internet so it HAS to be true, right? Wink