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So what do you do after getting ow certified last summer, follow it up with AOW in fall, spend a week in Roatan in Feb and live in Minnesota. Cut a hole through 25 inches of Ice and jump in. I have to say the first thing I learned is if theres Ice on top the water below is friggin COLD. The second, A Dry suit is in my future!
  Just to clarify, I spent this weekend out with 6 other divers and A Divers World getting my Ice Diver Cert. Its def a lot of work to get set up, but its worth it. I will def be doing that again. It is a really unique way to dive. Seeing the ice above and the water clarity for being in a lake was awsome. At least it was awsome untill a few people try muck diving or drag the rope in the silt Big Grin.
  Now bring on the warm weather and get rid of that Ice I'm readdy to go! I'm looking forward to alot of local diving this summer.
I have to add a big Thanks to A divers World too. The class was ran well. Great set up, great people. Even the Food Pat cooked was edible, JK hehe. It was Good too. They ran a great class. I felt safe the entire time we were there.

Welcome to ice diving! As to what's next, we are hoping to get in an ice dive on MilleLacs. With the ice thickness, we should safely have three to four more weeks of ice diving. Might have to suit up first on the fourth week, though Wink
Congrats. Sounds like you had a busy few months, but quality time, well spent.