Full Version: Freedive A-Palooza 2008
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Is this event going to happen in 2008. 

If so, are the dates set yet?

we're afraid the apalooza has been cancelled this year..  it was getting so many people involved that keeping things operating at peak safety was becoming more difficult.  It was sure fun to have so many with the same passion and interest together in one place.  It'll be missed.

That is too bad, I know I will miss it, but I understand.

While i am not a freediver..nor have i attended this event, i am sorry to hear that it is not going to happen.  Fred, i know you certainly put in your fair share of prep and work for this event and i know that John did as well.( others as well)  I am suprised to find that its not going to happen..I think you guys were on to something good..