Full Version: Professions and car models that could be assocaited...
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What kind of car would a Physical Therapist drive?  A "P.T. Cruiser"

What about a "Relational Therapist"  after all, I can't use that 3 letter word...The answer is a Pontiac Vibe.

And what would a Proctologist drive?  A Probe!

Rodeo rider - Pinto of course, or maybe a Mustang

Demolition Derby champ's regular vehicle - Dodge Ram

Nato treaty signer - Honda Accord

Astronomer - Chevy Nova

Demolitions Expert....Dodge Nitro
I'm in -
- NFL Quarterback from Wisconsin - Suburu Brat (you know the kind you eat)
- Wife of a French President - a Parisienne
- Head of Chinese space agency - Ford Galaxy
- Deep Sea Detective - GMC Sub urban
- Cutting Horse Trainer - Jeep Wrangler
- Wife of William Shakespear - Does anyone make an autolycus?
- Slate Columnist - A Porsche Cayenne of course
And the circle is complete.