Full Version: Lost my cell phone (and/or my memory....)
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Gee, I wasn't sure to post this in Lost and Found, Off Topic or Jokes....

I was riding my Honda SilverWing motorcycle home from work 9/19/08 and had my cell phone in my pocket when I left work.  Needless to say, by the time I got home, it was nowhere to be found.  Somewhere on 169, 494 or 100 is a little pile of crushed electronics that used to be my phone  :'(

If I had your number in my cell, I don't have it anymore!  Please call and leave me a message with your number.  (612) 597-2105
I watched mine get run over by a big steel wheel at the landfill. Some cell providers can print your contact list. I got a paper copy of a bill and found a lot back that way.