Full Version: Granite Falls Area Dive Sites????
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Has anyone heard of, or has been to any dive sites in the Granite Falls area.  I was told tonight by a customer of mine, that they had a relative that dove the granite mine pits around Granite Falls.

Feel free to PM me with any details on this, or just reply on the board.

I am not aware of any mine pits in the Granite Falls area that one can dive, not to say that there aren't any but I'd be surprised if there were.
There very well likely could be, but it is such a long drive from any fill station or local dive shop, I doubt many people dive them.

I grew up about an hour northwest of there, and I know there is a granite quarry to dive outside of Milbank, South Dakota.  I spent a lot of time there when I was a kid, yet wasn’t a diver at the time.  If I ever go back there I am certainly bringing my gear to check it out. 

I also knew of a granite quarry near Odessa, Minnesota, that had the potential of being a good pit to dive, but the owner chose to, believe it or not, dump oil in it to keep the kids out.

My suggestion if you go out there is to ask 16 – 20 year olds if there is a decent granite quarry to swim at nearby.  If one or more exists, they certainly would know it.  - Kirk