Full Version: Anyone want to go diving Sat or Sun?
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Greetings Everyone,

I would like to go diving this weekend and I need a buddy. It don't really matter where. I'll go anyplace.

I've always wanted to dive the Madeira in winter if that sweetens the deal.

Exams to study for this weekend, otherwise, I sure would.

However, I have just 2 weeks of school left, so I would be open to running north to the Maderia after that.
Well, no one wanted to dive with me.  :'( That's a little sad.

Don't feel too bad - I wanted to call you, but had too many other projects going and couldn't give up the time!  Wink
Thanks Jon, I feel better now.  :Smile

Seriously, something like 120 reads on this post; and I got nothing? I know it's the worse time of year but I figured I'd get someone that needed a reason to run to the water to escape the holiday.

I'll live with the idea that a dozen divers wanted too but didn't for reason from they don't know me to their spouse asked them not too(Pete Tongue).

I wanted to, but I had to clean out the van and try to clean out the garage for the new car.  Plus I was coming down with a cold and had to sleep it off!  I feel better now, but I know it's still trying to get me sick!  :-\    Need a warm vacation some day soon!
and, um, the sun was in my eyes and well it's a stupid game anyway.  Sad
gee, try to be nice to him and throw him a bone to cheer him up and he keeps whining... maybe we should just admit that we organized everyone to ignore his pleas for a buddy just to torment him...  >Big Grin  oh wait, did I type that out loud... ignore this message!  Wink Wink nudge nudge...

;D ;D ;D

Only two more weekends of hunting left, and if my wife lets me I will be answering the call.
I would have loved to, but I am still recovering from a broken arm...
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