Full Version: Using toothpaste in a new mask??
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Glad you like it ;D Amused me too.

Why are all the forums upside down all of a sudden?? >Sad
Chris updated/enhanced the site so the new posts come out on top. Don't you find it more convinent?

Maybe you should flip your picture also Big Grin
In case anyone wants to get fancy: McNett Corp. (SeaDrops, Sea Gold etc...) also manufactures and puts in a cool little bottle, a product called Sea Buff, which is formulated for the purpose of cleaning your mask of the silicone oil residue that prevents your defog from being effective.
What does that smell like? It's really bothersome for me to have my mask reek of mint toothpaste.


>What does that smell like? It's really bothersome for me to have my mask reek of mint toothpaste.

Better than spit?
Chris you made me laugh ;D

Elph, other flavors of toothpaste do exist.
While some people might like the "minty fresh" scent (oh no... my mask has that not so minty fresh scent ;D ) you can buy the ultra cheap toothpaste (certainly under a buck) that wouldn't really have a scent and would be enough for several cleanings. I clean my masks yearly and sometimes more (my clear skirt mask tends to "show" the gunk buildup).
While spit does work as a defog (I think it came out as #4 or 5 in effectiveness in a "scubalab" test) there are "things" in saliva that might increase the gunk buildup factor. Why do we brush our teeth? Also commercial defog works better and longer (more dives per application).
Minty fresh, get your minty fresh. hehe
yikes! I know all this.

1. spit doesn's smell (in theory) 2. I'm too lazy to go out and buy a special tube of toothpaste for cleaning my mask out 2 or 3 times (that equals once a year) before I break it (or someone else does it for me). Yes I know it's only a buck or less for one of those little travel sized tubes. I wasn't saying alternate options weren't out there. I will try to be more specific in the future.
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