Full Version: anyone know what cave this is?
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fantastic lighting
Is it the "Bonne Terre Mine" outside of St Louis MO? I heard that Mine has 500,000 watts of artificial light in it.
Those are some good photos.  With all the stalactites and stalagmites, it certainly is a real cave, and not a mine, and certainly one that was a dry cave during the most recent ice age, which rules out anything in Florida, for instance.  I suspect the cave is in under the Yucatan in Mexico for those were dry caves during the Wisconsinan Glaciation. As for the pictures of the naked women.  I have no idea where those may have been taken.  - Kirk
The meta data on the source doesn't match the content so whatever the site is, it's trying to mislead someone.

If you really want to know the cave, post the link on TheDecoStop cave and your likely to get the diver in the photo to tell you about the dive.

I'll agree with Kirk, it's likely Mexico.
I dove Bonnie Terre and that is definetly not it. Looks like a cool place though ;D
Looks like Taj Ma Hal just north of Tulum, Mexico.  It is one of the more famous Cenotes in Mexico...definitely one of my favorites....Azul is another of my favorites.

I realize this topic is over 120 days old, but it most like is,  Taj Ma Hal just north of Tulum, Mexico  You guys got it right. 

Great pictures...  spicy too.

Quote:I personally can't go beyond 150, but maybe someday.

Someday I'd like to hit 150 too!
Welcome to the board.