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A couple of weeks ago, we drop a car and a safe in a pit for dive training, all went well, but the first team could not find the car or the safe. They are in about 35-40 feet of water. the vis is not real good, I think that the only way they will be found is if you hit them with your head.
the next team will try next week, I sure hope no one has moved the pit or stolen the car and safe.
Sounds like a job for Detectorguy. Wink

And if you're really stuck, I suppose I could come find them for you.  >Big Grin
thats funny, i just got a car AND a safe out of a pit a week ago......j/k

how many divers typically search a pit at one time?
id imagine 5 divers 6-10 feet apart could search a wide area pretty fast.
In most cases its a 5 person team, with one down at a time searching a area. In this case it was 8 people free diving and having a good time. first open water dive of the year and the vis was about 6 inches. everyone had a good time and went to the greek rest. in osseo for dinner and a great meal.
After Easter I will have a bit more time to finish getting the "Free Sailboat" sink ready. We will drop it in the pit for an additional training aid to look for. It won't look like a sail boat when we get done with it. It will kinda look like something James Bond would zip around in... Of course with 6 inches viz, only a few will see it.