Full Version: kid's cold water wetsuits
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anyone ever hear of thicker wetsuits in kids sizes? trying to to find something thicker than 3mm for my nephew isnt very easy... not sure his exact size but normal size for a 10 year old.

almost tempted to start looking into custom made.

?? any local shops carry something like this?
Aqua lung makes a 7mm Fullsuit in kids sizes.  I believe it sells for around 150 dollars.  They would have a size chart on Aqua Lungs website.

Another option - if you are ever up in Brainerd, MSD has a consignment shop  that has lots of smaller sized wetsuit.  I good choice for someone that is growing.- Lori


Hi Scott w/SeaYa Diving,

Bare makes a 7mm full suit and a 5mm step in hood for kids. We (SeaYa Diving) have some smaller kids suits in rental and for sale. I took my eleven year old and ten year old kids to the Hesper (Lake Superior) last year and they stayed really warm and did two dives and wanted to do a third. Dad stopped them at two. They did great and the suits worked great.

P.S. we now have a cat called the Hesper.