Full Version: Makeshift Training Dive
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We were called to respond to a capsized boat with coolers and stuff floating in the water this morning at 8:00 AM. Apparently the boat tipped over about 11:00 last night. Just as we arrived at the scene the Sheriff Department had confirmed that the three people that went into the drink were ok (somewhere). We decided to do a training dive as long as we were at the lake anyway. We sunk a minnow bucket using a pair of ice tongs as an anchor to use as "the target". We then ran concentric squares search patterns and Art found the minnow bucket by 10:30 AM. It was a good training session in very poor visibility, 6" to 18" maximum with a very soupy bottom. After completing the training we motored over to the half submerged boat and cleaned up the area of floating and sunken debris. We re-floated the boat, put the gas tank and battery back in it. We searched the bottom for other debris and found the anchor and a fishing rod. I had the rod in one hand and feeling around the bottom with the other and I ran into something cold, slimey and moving. It was a nice sized crappie on the end of the line. We paused for a photo and joking about getting a ticket for fishing without a liscense. We pulled the boat up on shore with all the contents inside and left it there for the owners to come and get. Good day was had.
A good job well done guys. You also did a lake clean up at the same time.
Hey what lake was that? It looked like Deer lake to me, am I right?
Nope it was Little Stanchfield.
Good job guys.  For un-scheduled training dive it went extremely well.  I am glad they made it out okay.

The only thing John forgot to add was that  We tried to start it but it was flooded  ;D  ;D  ;D