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Has anyone dove Minnetonka yet this spring?  What has the vis been like?  Where on Tonka did you dive?
We would have but did not know where to enter.
I think I'm going to go out the next weekend that it's nice and check out the vis.  I have a 16 foot v-bottom boat ready to dive from.

PM me, if anyone might want to go.  I was thinking of heading to the big island first.
Are you going to be diving this Saturday at Minnetonka?  My dive buddy and I might be interested.
I might, depending on the weather.  They are saying it is suppose to be partly cloudy.  If I were to go out this Saturday, it would have to be late in the afternoon.  I can only fit three at the most in my boat.  My boat is a smaller 16 foot.  It is not a large deep v, like a lund or alumicraft.
FYI, the best area I have found to get into Minnetonka is the park right next to Maynards.  Plenty of stuff to find and it drops 20 to 30' without  a terrible swim.  Bring plenty of quarters for the parking meters.  Meter Maids are there at the very instant the meter expires.  If you plan to go on a weekend, go before noon or you're really asking for trouble with all the boats-Jeff
I plan on landing my boat at Carson's Bay landing.  Depending on the wind direction, and weather conditions, plans of going to the island might change.  I won't know until Friday night, or Saturday.
We dove Mtka a week ago on the sidewheeler south of Gale Island.
It was crap viz - about 3 ft.
Made the wreck an interesting experience - can't see much at one time.
dove around big island today... vis about 4-6 feet, possibly more but it was getting dark when we were there.