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Since when has there been a limit of 20 PM's per hour?  I was trying to send back a message and I got an error code that the 20 PM per hour limit had been exceeded....WTF??
But I can still post and go on WISCUBA too, how many minutes until I lock that one up?  Wink
It's fixed now.

Is it just me or does 20 PM's per hour seem like an awfully high number?

Is it just me or does 20 PM's per hour seem like an awfully high number?
Yeah, 20 per hour is pretty high.  This is the first time in mnscuba history that I've heard of the 20 message limit not being enough. 

Is it just me or does 20 PM's per hour seem like an awfully high number?
Yeah, 20 per hour is pretty high.  This is the first time in mnscuba history that I've heard of the 20 message limit not being enough. 
With my typing skillz, I am not certain that I could PM 20 times in an hour Wink
I've actually improved my typing skills to where I can almost do 40 WPM.  Not bad considering I only used to be able to type about 11 words per minute!

And to think about it, 20 PM per hour is about one every three minutes...(Yes, I need to get a life and go dive more....But in the meantime!  ;D  )