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Has any one seen the new movie Into the Blue 2 The Reef. At the beginning of the movie there using a different type of scooter, there a little longer and you can put most of your upper half of your body on them and there fast. Has anyone seen this type and I wonder where you could buy .
I have not seen that movie but I can say there are a wide variety of DPV's available and a couple new ones have come out in Europe which are a different style.

Most anything of any kind of quality is going to be expensive, even used, so if your in the market for something you might budget several thousand dollars.

Farallon and Apollo both make ride on scooters, where as X-Scooter and Silent Submersion both make tow behind versions.

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They should have something
the scooter is a cayago seabob, would highly doubt it was the magnum seeing as it would have cost more then the movie.