Full Version: Novice looking for an experienced dive buddy
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Hey all,
  I just got my open water certification a few weeks ago, have gone on one dive since, and absolutely love it.  The problem is that I don't have a dive buddy or know anybody who can show me some other lakes.  I've only been to Square Lake so far.

Is there anybody who would be interested in showing a newbie a new lake and maybe teaching me any tricks of the trade you've picked up along the way?

If you've got any questions before offering to dive with a new diver (and a stranger) feel free to ask away.
Would love to talk with you
O just sent you a pm.
What area are you looking to dive around?
Good point!  I was going to add, but forgot, that I live in Burnsville.  So pretty much anything within an hour of here works great.  Weekend dives, obviously, are open for a couple hours drive.
Always open for a local lake splash. I do also AM dives before work or late  PM dives

Well have fun! I'm only about 7 hours north, but enjoy. I've been diving about every weekend this summer, I finally bought all my gear and wish I would have done it years ago.
keep a eye on gooseberry falls for a sat. or sun. bring family and go diving.
Hey Chris (PilotC150)

I hope you had a fun time at Lac Lavon Wednesday!  I had a good time diving with you.  It's not the clearest lake around, but for the short drive and easy entry it's great!  See you in the water again soon!
Hi PM sent.........
Heading up to Ore-b-gon weekend after labor day. Planning on doing a weekend thing. Tent sites are about $17/nite.
Let me know.