Full Version: Bull sharks in Minnesota?...
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Time to spark some life into this somewhat quiet site. I was doing some research on possible dive sites lately and I stumbled on this article... Bullsharks found in Minnesota... I think the article was from 2006 but check the date to be sure...
I did notice it's dated April 1,2006  Wink
...Busted.  ;D

It must be the gloomy weather but I've been on a prank spree lately. Friday I switched the "M" key with the "N" key on a co-workers computer. Then for 4 days in a row I lowered my safety directors chair 1/2" each day. Whats next?... saran wrap across the toilet? (too offensive). Fish in the supply air duct over someones desk? (affects too many people at once). Fake mouse on a 12" piece of fish line taped to the secretary's phone? (Too funny)... I think I will quit while I'm a head. Smile
The patio size window insulator you use a dryer on over a doorway is always good.
are the bulls here yet?
The Bull $#!+ sure is!  ;D


Hey DQ, two thumbs up!!