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Anyone heard any details about or a date set for Smith Diving's Annual Turkey Dive for this year??
I'm pretty sure it is Nov 14th.  Assuming our dry suits are all ready to go by then, we plan on being there.

Anyone?  Anyone?  Lee?
Anyone?  Anyone?   Lee?

Anyone seen Lee lately?
He was sick last week
Hi where are these usually held ? where is there info posted ?
I called the shop- November 14th- Square Lake

The County Park side of the lake.
Hey, back from the dead here.  Turkey Dive '09 will be at Square Lake County Park on Sat. Nov. 14.  We'll be starting at 11:00am.  If you've never tried to catch a turkey underwater you need to join us for the fun.  Please call us so we know how many will be attending and think warm thoughts. - 763-574-1280
In case there is anyone else (like me) who hasn't dove from the county park side, I just called to get the fee.

It is $5 per vehicle, no per person fee.  Bring exact change because this time of year there probably isn't an attendant and you'll need to pay by envelope.
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