Full Version: Where did you get you screen name?
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I apologize but I stole this thread idea from Slüdge on Cave Diver's Forum. (gotta give him the credit). But it started alot of conversation. Thought it might spark some interest here.

Mine came from volunteering for years with local animal rescue groups that specialize in American Pitbull Terriers, American Staffordshires, American bulldogs, and other bully breeds. "Luv-A-Bull"; "Blame the Deed, Not the Breed"
I gained my newer screen name when I started keeping a Saltwater Aquarium. Dragon Eye is the name of a coral Smile It has stuck and appears to be available most everywhere, which surprises me!
I found MNSCUBA just after I got certified in 2007 (yes I am still that green but learning every dive). That year I spent money on dive gear like it was going out of style. I picked up two UW metal detectors and wanted very badly to be that one guy that the local dive shops would call when someone needed assistance finding lost items underwater. I made up little cards with my info on them & left them at dive shops, bait shops, & ATV/snowmobile repair shops. Smith Diving is the only LDS that has swung any business my way, so far. I was so infatuated with the idea of recovering items on the bottom of these 10,000 lakes that it was the only screen name that made sense at the time. In hind sight I should have come up with something more clever like "007.5" or whatever...
Names doug and I was born in 67, not much thought in that one but it works for me. Wink
I know, mines an easy one.  I live in North Dakota.. maybe someday I get to change my screen name to freediverfij, or maybe freedivercarrib, freediverbon, freedivercosta.  I think this time of year, a name change would be heaven.
I was a bartender fro many years.Some inebriated gal yelled Doogles instead of Douglas and a friend overheard.I've been stuck with it for more than 10 years.My work even put it on my uniforms,not that I requested it.
I'm a professional geek but do a lot of DIY stuff and have a full woodshop (I make furnature)  but I was getting board with wood and wanted more mixed medium to add interest. Metal was the most obvious, with stone cutting a close second followed by glass blowing.

When I needed a name I wanted something simple and benign. I'd had bad names in the past (word plays and such) so I picked something topical in my life, welding, so arcFlash is was.

I almost picked "Bentonite" and "swarf"

I was one of a bunch of guys that use to go to bonne terre mine once a winter for fun, so we became the miners and we were looking for snow white never did fined  that sneakie woman, but to bad I guess.
On my first time to the Carribean in 2005, the family was on a cruise. I was just certified the previous spring, so diving was on my agenda at every port. On one location (don't remember which one) we motored to the dive shop to equip those who didn't have any gear. As I was getting off of the boat onto the pier, the boat heaved, I missed the pier and fell in between the pier and the boat, scraping my shin down to the bone (almost) and suspending myself between the boat and the pier, but still hanging onto my divelog! didn't want to lose that. I was nicknamed Chum & Sharkbait by everyone on the excursion. Funny, no one wanted to be my buddy.


                   Mine's most of my last name, in teaching Karate I was told by a friend that I had an attitude much like Terrence Hill in the Trinity movies that were popular back then, and I always found the gal, Trinity in the matrix movie about as sexy as a gal could get. So It just seemed to fit.
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