Full Version: Giving Thanks!
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Thanksgiving Day burglary of Scuba Daddy's is a sad anniversary of how the former owner Bill Hilton, and his good customers were stripped of their dive store.  In the following year the community has sadly lost other dive stores due to the harsh economy.  For the hard working owners and employees of the dive stores who remain, I give thanks for your continued efforts.  And to the customers who continue to support them, please keep it going.  To Bill, I hope you have found a smoother path to wishes

Thanks for posting that Ron, very nice thoughts.  Congratulations by the way,  Lee
Just a heads up on my post as Bill Hilton stopped by my office today and we caught up on whats been happening in his life lately.  It sounds like he is working at a friends dealership in north metro, and he looks healthy and well.  Sounds like he misses all his old friends and customers, but is moving forward.
