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A few months ago there was a thread that partially talked about the Madiera anchor and the other artifacts at the Split Rock Trading Post along Hwy 61.
The GLSPS has been talking to the owners for about 5 years about donating it to the Society.
About a month ago Steve Daniel completed the transaction so now the GLSPS owns the anchor and the two other artifacts.
On Sunday six members with the aid of a tractor trailer and an excavator moved the three items to a staging area at Split Rock State Park.
The plan is to conserve the items and build a display at the Lighthouse.
Hopefully by the end of next summer.
I have 28 pictures taken of the move but I don't know how to post them.
A little help.
That is great news.


I remember the older posts...looking forward to seeing the pics when you get them posted. 
I am looking forward to seeing the photos as well, but even more to seeing the artifacts at their new home.
Bob, did you guys consider sinking the anchor at the wreck site?  Maybe that was cost prohibitive. Or maybe that would reduce the potential for educating the community about Minnesota's wrecks. Congrats to GLSPS for the successful transaction.
Putting it back on the wreck was never consitered.
Here is a link to the Split Rock Lighthouse blog