Full Version: Question about Seals
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Hi Everyone!

I've been doing A LOT of studying on drysuit materials, accessories, durability, care required, etc.  I was
just doing some surfing on zip seals and found a page on the

that has 6 different types of seals shown.  I'm wondering what the difference is between a "regular" wrist seal, and a zip wrist seal, or if this "difference" is exclusive to DUI?  ???

Any and all help would be appreciated.

Zip wrist seals are a DUI item.  The concept is the same as a ziplock bag.  The seals "zip" off and on.  Therefore, when you are at a dive site and tear a seal, you can replace it onsite with little down time.  Again, this is only available on DUI suits.


THANKS, I appreciate your help.  Smile