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It was only me getting through the classroom part of my OW class.  Surprisingly enough, the physics and physiology hasn't changed much from when I did it the first time 30 years ago. Smile

Tomorrow I face the treacherous confines of the pool!!!

Wish me luck! Smile
Good Luck!  I'm sure it will be a breeze Wink
Watch out for the mysterious unknown floaties.

mermaid'd it go Tim ??   Did you encounter any suspicious floaties  ???'d it go Tim ??   Did you encounter any suspicious floatees  ???

Ow!! Ow!!  That's the report from my calves.  No matter how much time ya put in on the treadmill, a totally different set o' muscles get used to drive ScubaPro Jets.  But man oh man, can XXL's move some water!!

I had a good time.  Found a penny and a bobby pin by the pool drain.  Nuthin' else.

My ears cleared well, my mask worked OK but might be a tad leaky.  I managed to meet the swim requirements without too much drowning on my part.

I don't like jacket BC's.  Too much stuff hanging off them. 

But it appears that I might just get my diving career resurrected. Smile

Thanks for asking!!