Full Version: Madeira Project (idea)
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Discussions have started about a possible Madeira documentation project to update the current drawings. This could be a much larger documentations team as it could be conducted from shore and as a documentation / skill building exercise.

What interest is there in this project?
Hey! Hi! It's a monitoring project currently lead by Corey and Steve ( Daniel) Are you suggesting another project? The schedule on the GLSPS website indicates a 2010 monitoring project date already. SO Steve, do you think we should have an additional Madeira documentation project? I would be up for that. Pete is documentaion chairmain so you could contact him and see what he thinks. See ya, Linda
Correct, that is the Pilot House project. This would have to be a separate effort. The pilot house is very frail so we'd need to leave that for them to finish and document as needed. The remainder of the ship could be a documented over time and take a lot of people so it's a much larger task.