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I was wondering if anyone would be interested in diving Eagle Lake. It's one of the few lakes (the only one that I've heard of) that has freshwater corral. It's about 45 minutes from Lake Carlos State Park, which is right outside of Alexandria. I was thinking of going sometime in mid-May.
I would be very interested in diving this lake since I dove it a couple of years ago (when I was still wet behind the ears , so to speak).
I remember this is a very nice lake for diving!!!
Let us know!!!

Thanks...Jean ;D
This might be interesting. Let us know your plans as you get closer. From what I recall these are not actually "coral", or even in the same family -- more like sponges. It would be interesting to see though.
I would be interested in diving Eagle Lake as well. I would like to see these sponges, because it sounds interesting, especially for fresh water.

it's not really a corral or a sponge, it's more of a mineral deposit that forms into corral like shapes. i haven't been able to find much information on it. it's nothing compared to salt water corral, but is still interesting.
I figured these were freshwater bryozoan, see:

It will be interesting to find out if Bryozoans do exist in MN lakes.
We're planning on Mermorial Day Weekend. If anyone is interested, let me know and I'll get you more info.
Cool, let us know how your dives go there. I'm planning on diving Lake Superior (Hesper/Madeira wrecks) over Memorial Day weekend.