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I hope everyone gets a pleasant visit from the Easter Bunny!!


You beat me to the greeting 'Pitbull !

But I agree, I hope EVERYONE has a great matter WHO your Easter Bunny isĀ  ;D
and a happy easter to the brr-bunnies
My wife's name is not Bunny - however...

Happy Easter to all!
Hope everyone had a good Easter too. Sorry about the late entry... I brought 48 plastic easter eggs to Mexico and I planned on having an underwater Easter egg hunt in Cancun yesterday. I put a peso in each one and was going to fill them with sand and plant them in shallow water for my daughter and her friends to find while snorkeling. She informed me that she was almost 11, and that she is too old for that. She had more fun giving them out to any little kids that looked under 6 years old. They liked the random kindness and My daughter thought it was tons of fun to see the looks on their faces when someone gave them something for nothing. The local kids thanked her in Spanish but she would just nod. I told her to say "de nada" but she told me that if she did then the kids would think that she spoke Spanish and she doesn't.