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Hello Everyone,

I want to apologize TO ALL OF YOU (but especially to those who hunt and fish) for starting the "Wildlife" thread...I had no idea
that it would be such a volatile topic.  I NEVER meant to offend ANYONE (or cause anyone to offend anyone else), and I'm truly sorry if I did. 
Don't worry about it.  You're certainly entitled to air your opinions.  And from what I can see, you did it in an adult manner.  You have nothing to apologize for IMHO. 

Debate is good!
You did not do it meaning any harm. some people just let things be spiteful and your still very nice.
Take back your apology, it is not needed.  You brought up a topic that people chose sides on.  It spurred debate, it caused people to listen and contribute as well as research facts.  It used to be quite common on this site in the early days, but has become fairly infrequent as of late.  I would personally say thanks- Jeff


Speaking of wild life....I saw 3 wild turkeys crossing hwy 81 in Brooklyn Park on Wednesday 4-7-10 and a coyote on the railroad tracks in Crystal 4-8-10.  Smile
A car passed me and hit one of the cranes that was walking across the road yesterday.  That was pretty sad.  Some people jumped out of their car to rescue it, maybe they were sucessful.

A 'gator slapped me for poking it in the ribs on Saturday.  I even had welts for a day! That was sorta exciting.

I shoved a turtle that felt like it weighed a hundred pounds.  I thought it was a rock or log until it swam off.  Sometimes I wish I could see these things, but then maybe it's better that I can't.

Wildlife is one of the best parts of my job.  I always try to come to an amicable agreement with them over territory.
Hey Michelle,

No apology needed.  I like to debate once and a while.  I thought that it was getting fun.

No harm, no fowl!


I saw a flock of wild turkeys in my neighborhood this past winter...all I could do was sit in my car and watch in disbelief  (and hope I had pulled over far enough that I didn't block traffic Tongue


Thanks Robert!  I appreciate that!