Full Version: North Shore Tank Refills
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Hey all

We're planning a trip along the Superior's north shore this summer.  Are there any place besides Duluth where you can get your tanks filled?
Try calling Jay at Superior Scuba.  He filled our tanks for us while we were out on his boat.  I'm not sure where his compressor is located because they were just filled an ready to go the next day.

If you are looking for a charter to get out on a boat, Jay does a great job.
Thanks, but we were planning on doing a few shore dive like the Madiera, Hesper and Gooseberry and I only have 2 tanks so I was hoping to fill them along the way.

There used to be a fellow that would fill tanks up in Silver Bay.  Personally I would just rent a couple extra tanks.
I live in Duluth, and there really isn't anywhere to get air along the north shore, that I know of.  Your best bet may be to rent some tanks, and maybe make a trip back to Duluth to re-fill. 
Thanks for the info.
Hi Chuck Potter North hore compressor in Silver bay.Try this number 218-226-4695
Also if someone really is in a bind  in Coon Rapids area email me,
Long Lake now has an air station more details later.
                    Jerry ;D >Big Grin
Sorry Forget to put an S infront of hore on my post.
              Jerry >Big Grin
We had Chuck fill some tanks for us last September - no problem.  If he's not around, you can leave your tanks in front of his garage door and pick them up later (next day).  I don't recall the price but it was very reasonable.