Full Version: Owatonna Dive Club going up to the Hesper and Madeira on Sunday.
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Every year around this time we go up to do some diving on these ships while placing the buoy on one.  This will be my second year but first year in a dry suit.  Last year we had 2 boats and 4 guys.  Cant wait, see what the weather brings.
Really wish I can go, but I will be at Wazee doing some check out dives for NAUI MSD and/or Rescue. You will be happy with the drysuit.
Yeah, have used it in a few shallow lakes, good thing is with a boat we anchor or tie up and I can use the line to follow and to hold on to if needed to make sure just incase and while getting used to it and deeper depths.
How did he dives go ? I did not make it to the air fill to find out if all went well ? I am planning on diving up in the Silver Bay North Shore area June 18th.