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seen any sturgeon?

Fred, where was that at?
We were at about 3 different spots that day, but the sturgeon were seen in the Otter Tail river.  We've seen them before there but seems they are only there for a short time early in the spring.
the few times Ive seen them, they dart off before i can appreciate them.
how did you play with it like that? was the water ice cold or what was the trick?
by the way, awsome!
I just seem to have that effect on fish  Smile.  Maybe the cool water helped a little.
Fred you are the Man.
I daytriped this spot after getting the scoop from Fred, was a perfect daytrip in my car from the twin cities. 3hours out/same back. water seemed allitle colder than down here. but was super clear. saw a nice school of fat walleyes all probably 3-5lb range at least 8 in once spot alone. then we followed a sturgeon. also saw a grouping of about 8 pike all 1 pound size. and one large white sucker. walleyes were nice sized, but with the clear water it was enjoyable.
highly recommend. my camera vid wasn't that good. but i still highly recommend. i chickened out at the second spot. would have done it if the man was there to show how its done.