Full Version: July Happy Hour!!!
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Anytime! I wont be there until after work (sometime between 5:30 and 6p) - but I am sure there are others who will plan on being there earlier.......

Usually someone at the table is wearing something affiliated with SCUBA or someone brings some sort of equipment to set on the table.

If you cant find us after all that, give me a call on my cell - 612-220-4369

Looking forward to meeting you!
Hey Trinity,
Did that fin ever get hunted for on 'tonka?

                Ya Joe, Pete and Jim went out after it the following Thur. they found it, but then bitched it was (all of) 10' from their anchor after I told them on the surface where it would be. :-\ ,,,,,I must be loosing my edge.....TRINITY


You're not lossing your edge TRINITY, you'll ALWAYS be as sharp as a butter knife  ;D
I am glad to hear that Pete found it - loosing gear is always a drag.

Speaking of a drag - I now will not be at the happy hour as our son has a soccer tournament game at that time  :'( I'll miss it getting together will y'all and will have to catch up later.
See yall tomorrow night!
Does anybody have anything against me bringing my two children?  The wife has to work tomorrow night, and will have to watch them.  This would be the only way to make the happy hour.

Not me!

Robert's children are quite well behaved. No worries.
So how was the happy hour? Lots of turn out? I couldn't make it but I hope there will be more in the future.
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