Full Version: Square lake tomorrow?
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Hey there.

Anybody know of recent conditions at square? I was not certified in MN and have never dove it before. I was going to do a lone dive perhaps tomorrow ( I was trained for lone diving in the military) anyone around diving it or could tell me where to go.


I will be there around 2!
That sounds good. You planning on 1 or 2 dives? I should be able to get a second tank if needed.

I am good to go. I will be there around 1400.
It was good meeting up with you at the platform Adam. Next time I'll know where to pay the 5$ and get in at. I also forgot about the 2 beers I had in the time!! Square was pretty cool for having never dove it before. The john was funny as hell...not sure what the phone Being a private pilot I enjoyed the aircraft tail........thought it was a piper Cherokee tail but not 100% on that. The rudder was in good moving order but the stabilizers were a little stuck lol.  All in all it was a great dive.

Glad you had a good time.  Beer would have been great, we were gonna grill, but didnt, plan on doing more dives in that area I hope.
I can see dive or two in the near future that involves BBQ and beer.
anybody have any ideas on dates?