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Hey Guys and Gals,

Just got signed up I have been reading for the last couple of months. I just got back from Ore be Gone over the 4th of july. Tried alittle scuba did not go so well. I did some freediving with my scuba buddies down below in the afternoon. This was alot of fun. The water was fairly clear. The thermo was at about 25-30 feet.
I was just wearing a 2mm Rash gaurd and comfortable on the surface and decent down below the thermo. I am hoping to make a trip to Lake Mine or St. James pit in a couple of weekends. The clear water and the wall is calling my name. FreediverND how did The depth go for you so far this summer. I am hoping to make 60 feet by the end.

Good Diving


Quote:..FreediverND how did The depth go for you so far this summer. I am hoping to make 60 feet by the end. ...

I was hoping to set some kind of new personal depth last week or just get somewhere beyond the 100' mark but it just didn't pan out... that's o.k... didn't have everything in place and the weather was not cooperating.  I did do good on a few lures though so that was fun.

I remember working my way to 60'.. I found that my limiting factor at about 40' was my mask.. switched my mask to a good low volume mask and 60' was a breeze.

Be very careful, it would be good to have a knowledgeable person there with you to teach you correct information on to spot for you, and how to rescue you and many other facets of the game.  When I started I was off a bit on the safety but I've seen enough and learned enough to know that there is a LOT to learn to be safe while freediving.  If you're thinking about pushing depth numbers get together with someone who knows their stuff (and I mean freediving stuff) and can show you good techniques in both the dive and the safety.


Yeah I have to start going with dive buddies. I have been thinking about signing up for a class down in the Bahamas for a week. I have alot to learn about the sport. I have noticed the amount of air I use to equalize my mask is quite alot. I have my eye on one of those fancy Cressi masks the trouble is finding one to try on. Good Luck on your next attempt.

Good Diving
