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fishing has gotten better the last couple of weeks sorry to say.
What are you fishing for?
I'll bet he's fishing for bodies.
Sorry to say but fishing got better this morning.

I kinda figured that, but wanted to see if Grumpie would actually say anything.
Yeah, I heard about the one on Lake of the Isles on Friday...Have there been more?  I've been out of town.
I would imagine it is this:

Still fishing, the guys went in today again.  the mud was about 2-3 feet deep and about 2-3 feet of water. they almost need a towtruck to get out. some day it will be 100 feet of vis and all sandy bottom we keep hoping.
why is it we never get calls to swimming pool or hot tubs  O thats what the wp is for.
Still fishing, new type this time a flying fish.
Thank the guys for being willing to always increase their limit of "fish"!  Not everyone can handle that task - glad they are around to help out the families find missing loved ones.

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