Full Version: Does it get clearer deeper?
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I never knew it but after reading the Green Lake thread do some lakes get clearer the deeper you go. The reason I ask is the lake I dive the most gets 80 feet deep but I've never gone because after about 35 feet the vis gets very poor and was assuming it would continue to get worst.

Am I missing out on some awesome clarity by not going deeper!?
Maybe- usually after the thermocline it gets better if it is going to.
yes, depending on the lake, the algae will only be where there is light, and usually above the thermocline

i was just in lake Michigan, vis was about 15 feet down to about 50 feet, after that it cleared up to like 60-80 feet and was 20 degrees colder.

Get some nice pics?  How many dives did you get to do?

Wazee and most of the pits up in the Gilbert area have much better vis below 100'.  Was in St. James a week ago and had every bit of 80' vis at 140'....Crosby is hit or miss with the black algae that is increasingly getting into more pits...

Lake Elmo doubled the vis below about 50.

Lower pine has gone from less than 10 to +20 below 60 feet.

Perch got worse the whole way down.

Paulson Lake (WI) was better below 38 but only 40 deep so I have 2 feet of good vis.

So my experience is it almost always worth trying.
Thanks for the info! Definitely going deeper this weekend.