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Since we all have dive fever I thought I'd throw up a poll. Shoot away with your prediction. I haven't scouted out any lakes yet and have no idea how much ice is on them at this point.
I scouted Perch late Saturday afternoon.
(It was good just to drive by it again....Ahhhhhhh)
There were a few very small pockets of open water right near shore. A lake out here in Eden Prairie has some places with open water at least a foot out from shore.
Square had almost 2 feet of ice on it over 3 weeks ago. And I heard someone who went ice diving up in Crosby pits had around that much to get thru two weeks ago.
But I would assume all that can change in a short period of time.
My choice was April 19th.

Getting real annnnnnncccccyyyyyyyyyy.....
Jean 8)
Eternally optomistic but also realistic.. I wanted the 12th but choose the 19th.. the liquid water this past weekend on Big McDonald, near Dent,Vergas, Perham, was just within reach of a 3 foot ice auger according to my brother-in-law.
Did anyone read that story the other day about how the sun's energy output has been increasing .05% per decade? I think that means the 19th is the date.

Where did you find this?
I noticed that Medicine lake turned really black today!

Where did you find this?

I think I read it at
Lake Bryant in Eden Prairie is also turning really black. In fact , there is a patch of lake near Valley View Road that the geese
use for nesting purposes that is COMPLETELY OPEN !!!

Maybe before the 19th is looking very do-able. Some of the dedicated fisher-persons say that the ice looks like it will be gone before then.

Thanks...Jean ;D
If the weather keeps up like it is I may be getting in the water next week if I can.

Madison Lake is over half open. I'm guessing by the end of the weekend it may be completely open. Too bad the viz is so bad.
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