Full Version: commercial dive/work light?
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i only say commercial because its bigger than scuba units, shield is harder material ,  shines light over a larger area /all directions at once  and.....

its powered from the surface suppy platform .......

Once upon a time... prior to getting a HID dive light, I was toying with the idea of taking a sealed beam headlight from a car or truck and attaching one end of a 100' extension cord to it with a gob of silicone. At the surface the other end of the cord could be attached to a car battery This could be hung over the side of a boat or through an ice hole to illuminate an area better. I would think the sealed beam headlight would withstand the pressure as all of the cars I have seen underwater have had intact headlights. It would be cumbersome compared to the HID canister light but it may have a purpose someday.