Full Version: spearfishing northern lakes roughfish
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I'm starting to get itch to do some spearfishing.

really interested in trying a particular lake that has musky. I know that in
musky stocked lakes spearing thru the ice is prohibited, but the law is somewhat vague in underwater hunting. I wouldn't think that any mix up would occur between shooting a rough fish, and accidental game fish.
I'm still looking for this info.

I did find very interesting website dedicated to bowfishing in Minnesota.

they seem to have all the rules well documented.
bowfishing and underwater spearfishing is kinda grouped together in the DNR rules
spearguns are called harpoons according to the DNR

i think we saw dogfish last saturday... one was the largest fish ive ever seen in minnesota, i thought it was a boat at first... was about 6 feet long but smaller versions were all over

im pretty sure they were dogfish on reviewing the video, had a spot near the tail sluggish as hell... i could just go grab them they were so out of it.. i think it might be their spawning season soon though

anyway it was a new fish, that had 2 barbs on its nose... kinda dark green with a long dorsal fin. 

mostly the only fish that stick around when blowing bubbles are sunfish and you "can't/not worth" spearing them

6ft long! i think the waters playing tricks on your perspective. with the spot on tail its a dog. dogfish(amia) also has barbels on mouth and two nostrils. curious were you were? a big dogfish is around 3ft long and pushing state record weight at that length.

perhaps they were eelpout. if so i would love to go on a spearhunting freeforall on them.

my last pout trip ended with my truck sliding into someones back yard and getting a lecture how city fokes need to stay away from places they dont belong.
I think my best understanding after asking around is that bow hunting(and harpooning) is allowed on the Mississippi river were musky are naturally present anyways. so underwater spear hunting rough fish shouldn't be a problem.