Full Version: Eel hunting prey - night dive
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I was on a night dive with Doug and Peg down in Cozumel last week when a spotted eel decided to get some dinner.  Right place, right time, roll camera...

That was amazing!
I love how they tie themselves in knots to manipulate captured prey so they can swallow it!
Very cool!  How big was the eel?  Based on the Sea Cucumber, I'm thinking 3-4ft but there aren't any good references without knowing how big the urchins were, etc.  Unreal how big the fish seemed compared to the eel and yet through the eel's gyrations and mongo mouth, he was able to get it down.  Wow.
The eel wasn't real big....maybe 3ft but he sure gave us a great show.
Here's something I filmed in the USVI this winter, totally different scene, a fish giving a massage to a spotted moray.
