Full Version: backplate webbing wear/replacement
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i replaced my backplate webbing tonight, and decided to try out the cross strap setup, i switched out a diverite deluxe harness and went with just 2" nylon strap

my original straight strap config

looking at the back for reference, where the top of the plate it touches/rubs the straps

another pic of the straight strap wear

i added a crotch strap as well

i noticed that the straight webbing seems to wear harder than the crossed straps (in theory) on the top of the backplate... the one thing that has kept me from using the crossed straps is i was paranoid of the plate sitting lower than with straight straps... anyone have any experience with backplate strap wear?  (i took a file to all the edges as well)

The crossed straps will keep your tanks higher!  the weight of the tanks will also keep the set up firm on your back!  OMS plates were designed to have the cross set up!  An that came from a friend that was working with an for them! 
From the looks of your current set up you needed a little clean up any how!  You will like the secure feeling with them crossed!
Do you have a link about how and what you cross? I'm not seeing it.
sorry, the last pic is hard to see the black on black... cross the straps behind the head

I am not sure if I would like having the straps crossed. I think it may be harder to get out of the backplate when wearing a drysuit because of the dump-valve on the left arm.