Full Version: Vacation season ending
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Anyone else bummed out about vacation season coming to an end?  I'm sure some of you still have something coming up, have fun, and the rest of us look forward to the spring melt.

I'm feeling spoiled after spending a week in both Cozumel and Bonaire during the last month.

Some highlights from both trips...

Cozumel -
Bonaire -
Vacation season? Most of my tropical diving has been in the Summer and Fall. Wink  I keep telling myself that the next trip is to the Pacific somewhere. 
Great video from Blue Angel.How was the stay with them?We stayed there for years and haven't been able to get there for a couple years?How is the hotel with the new owners?

Loved it, I'll go back there for sure. It was the first time so I can't compare what it was like with the old owner.