Full Version: mysterious disc shaped object scanned in baltic floor
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Kinda interesting scan of something at 285 feet, hard to tell what it is. I think its the same divers that found some old wine still drinkable.
I don't see it in the scan. is it just my eyes missreading or is it real?

like fox mulder in the x-files . . . . "I WANT TO BELIEVE"
That thing must have been really hookin' if it left a plowed path 985' long in 285' deep water. The velocity of a bullet shot into water dissapates with in the first few feet of the massively dense water. More likely the plowed path is from it being snagged from the surface and dragged across the bottom. I have seen pictures of these tell tale trails behind airplane crashes, thinking it was the velocity of the aircraft hitting the bottom, when infact it was from dragging it after the impact. If they have the side scan images they should be able to drop a ROV and look for little green men. The article says its a 60' disc on the bottom... this can't be a UFO because everybody knows that the Martians use the metric system  ;D.