Full Version: some kind of muck i've never seen before
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(maybe ive seen it, but not so vivid as the video)

so i ran across this website about a hole in new mexico id be tempted to check out

basically looks like instead of minnesota 'muck' its desert quicksand at the bottom of a lake, kind of neat how it  settles back down without destroying visibility.

Looks like it is flowing continuously.  Wonder what it looks like further down? 


looks like 60 feet of quicksand, second video the diver drops a plumb-bob on a dive reel and it just drops straight down.  kinda like diving 'clearwater' lake  :o
I hear ya on clearwater lake.  They should change the name of the lake.. Ha, Ha..  Wink

Part of this video shows some good shots of the quick sand, and it looks like flowing water in a stream.  It appeared to be running down the bank, like it was never ending, and sliding down to the bottom.

Pretty cool, any way you take it.