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Underwater geocaches are becoming more and more popular, yet we do not have any in MN yet.  Just wondering if the diving community would like this option, possibly up in Crosby.  Could be fun...
I've thought about this before, most lakes have too much muck, however there are a few that would be good, the mines are a good possibility, as well as parts of superior.

Id say a more popular diving spot would see more action than an out of the mainstream diving lake, id venture to guess more than 90% of people that get certified might only dive in mn lakes no more than maybe 3 times. So I don't know if many people would go through that much effort to then look on, I dive al the time and also geocache, but I've never thought to combine them.

Not sure if underwater caches are the normal box cache, but there could be 'Alternate objects' added..
That's a great point.  I have been looking at different options for the cache and logbook. It would either have to be water-tight and brought up to the surface, or it could be a slate. 

And about the issue of the cache traffic, I think if it was placed in a popular location, such as the pits, word would probably spread.  Even if a diver is not into geocaching, I could see them hearing about it and then getting into it, or looking up the information online.   

After some research, it seems that this is a growing trend in Michigan and some parts of Wisconsin.  It sounds like they have two types of caches, a wet and a dry.  Both are weighted or anchored using environmentally sealed lead.  It sounds like my idea of using a slate in a wet cache is pretty common. 

I just think this would be a cool little thing to bring to the diving community.