Full Version: (shrt vid) We stuck some big fish this weekend but
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the biggest fish I've ever stuck cut or broke my tether line..i think I cut a large bone with the shaft and being that the shaft went thought the fish i think it ended up cutting my line.  Coulda been the record fish I've been looking for but I lost him and the shaft!  Switching to dyneema...  A good time had by all though...
looks like fun. my one boy, had a carp do something weird like that. the line shot off, then just droped down, no fish, no spear. line cut clean. big fish, but who knows without getting in my hands to verify size.

this might be relevant.

I had a similar deal spearing with Shooter, Art, and and Captain Ben in Florida. We were decending in about 100' of water on my second spearing dive ever. On the decent I was 20' above Captain Ben and this 6' barracuda kept charging through Bens bubble stream. I bet he ran through it 15 times before we got to the bottom. When I got 10' off the bottom the Barracuda was gone, and I was relieved. I didn't see Ben as I was looking for fish to shoot. This 10 - 15 pound Almico Jack strolled in, and I sent a line shaft in his head for a stone shot. Just a second later this 6' barracuda came back and started tearing into my Almico Jack, shaking it like a rag doll. I started to freak out a little and backed up to the butt end of the speargun giving him some space. A few seconds later a free shaft came in from over my right shoulder from Ben and hit the big barracuda. It immediately swam off without my fish and we later found the 5' shaft bent laying on the bottom near some rocks. Ben later told me that he was going to hit it with a 'power head' but I was too close and he thought the powerhead might do more damage to me than the barracuda. I never had a problem with loosing fish after that, but it did give me something to think about.

Don't mind saying that I didn't know what kind of fish a barracuda is, but after a bit of surfing, I think I would have likely spit out my reg if I had run into this.