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Pretty amped up to watch 'Bering Sea Gold: Under The Ice' tonight on the Discovery Channel at 8:00 PM. Should be interesting to see if the Discovery Channel shows some of the set up. Here is a link to some clips from the show:
I think we should go next year  8). I can see it now, a crow bar in one hand, a vacuum hose in the other!  >Big Grin covering every square ft of our search radius! Talk about prizes on the table!
I watched that show last week. I wouldn't really call it ice diving. It was shallow water, no tanks, heated suit, full face mask.

Real ice diving is when you come out of the tiny little hole that Arc Flash cuts, make a run to your truck in order to unzip your drysuit before the zipper freezes up. You chip the ice from your regs just prior to your next dive.
I watched the first season of Bering Sea Gold. I kept waiting for someone to drown or chain smoke to death. It seemed like a pretty tough way to scratch out a living.

Livin' the dream!

This person is a good friend of Uncle Ben. They filmed last year. I have a call in for any open spots! Honey Badger Dive Team is going for the GOLD! That would be some real prizes on the table table table! Team G, are you ready for a shot at the Title?

              Nate, you KNOW I'd take a shot at that!