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Does anyone have a warm water trip set up this winter? Its that time to start looking ahead to the fun of warm water and good visibility!! I'll be leaving in Feb. for hopefully the trip of a lifetime. I am going to the Soccorros Islands hopefullly to see some big stuff. I hear the boat ride is not so fun, but the diving should make up for the 24 hour ride out!!
Who else is going places, and where???
Well,its not exactly 'warm water', but i'll be heading out to Seattle for my winter dive trip. I'll be traveling out there Dec 6-12 and will be looking at get 8-10 nice cold water dives in December. Water Temps will be mid-40's and is great for drysuit diving. Anyone who is going to be in Seattle during this time frame is welcome to join me or if even if you want to book a trip. PM me and i'll give you the details, but i'm looking at 2 charter boat dives now about about 4 shore dives aroudn the Puget Sound. Also, Sun Country is having some awesome air fare sales now.
I'm such a happy camper today!  Just booked a month + on the boat.. Starting in Grenada then everything from there to St. Lucia (Canouan, Bequia, wherever...),then to St. Martin, then finish in the BVI.  Wholly for a mood changer!!!
I'm off to the Bahama's in April!  ;D

Nice video, is that Steve's handiwork? Blackbeards is a fun trip to a great area for diving. I don't think you need to make that dicey crossing over to the Bahamas anymore. You will be begging for a nice long freshwater shower by the end of the week though! Wink Have fun!
No that is some of my video I shot the last time I was out there. This will be my 3rd trip out with the Blackbeard gang! The nice hot shower at the end of the week is great but I found that a few salt water showers with a fresh water rinse throughout the week is not too bad. 1st trip I did we crossed over from FL... Lots of throwing up. Sailing out of the Bahama's is MUCH better! (plus you're diving hours after you get on the boat!)

Here's some other clips from the last trip: