Full Version: Video posted: Delaware Copper Mine dives
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I have posted video of our recent dives in the Delaware Copper Mine at
nice video, thanks for sharing. The vis really cleared up to almost crystal clear.
Awesome video!  Thanks for sharing.
  8) You really shoot some professional video, Nice job!  8)

Did the ceiling collapse happen before or after it was flooded? Is there already a main line or did you guys lay all of it? That is the first closed circuit side mount system I have seen....
I was curious about the line, but there are a few parts where you see them running with the reel.

I thought that was when they jumped of the main line to go into new areas. When I was doing training, there would usually be a "main line" and when we would venture off into other areas, we run a spool from the main into those areas.
We put down all the line.  There had been a group of divers in there years ago, but I think they only went in about 100 feet.  They were not cave certified and we just in there to check it out a little bit.  They didn't leave any line.

Tami put down the line and I was following her with the camera, so that's why you almost always see line in front of the camera.

I think the ceiling collapse was after the mine flooded.  There was silt on everything except not much on the collapsed rocks, which means that they collapsed "recently", which might mean minutes before or years before we got there.  Hard to say with certainty.

:o :o That had to be mentally challenging coming across that  :o :o Does closed circuit help with not disturbing the overhead enviroment?